Followed by Nights

I felt a life like a kite on the heart of ocean
Swinging and singing into the deeper of deeper
Where there I saw a place of gardens with lights
There I saw a moon inside the ocean of dreams

Jumped Out of dreams where I traveled in deep
On my armchair I opened my notes to write dreams
Moving my hands in the words I written I saw them
On my floor with clarity as blue sky with rain

Next day on my car I saw a girl walking in the garden way
I drive towards the church and kneed in front of the candles
Everywhere was green with leafs over and above

I opened a wooden door and looked around as usually
Cried with my hands closed to mouth and eyes
Walked and even walked further and stopped with a horn
No where I reached

Raining and rainfall around the trees with winds
Looking up I saw the leaves loving each other
I looked even up and upper for a stairs where I can climb
But found a drop of water on my nails

There is something we wish to do but won’t be able
I now wish to get out of my dreams filled with thoughts
Surrounded with four walls which are shows me the world
Loved to be flown like a feather with out heart.


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